Monday, May 21, 2007

WESTPORT TOWNSHIP, FL – Marcella Doming has often thought she was being watched while she worked. Little did she know it was by mini-people! The proof came one recent Monday after she left a trap for them. Marcella likes her job because, as she says, “No one is creeping around to look over your shoulder, I can work in peace.” But lately the administrator has been bothered by the notion of someone looking in on her as she toiled at her work-a-day, move-the-paperwork-along, nine-to-five.

It all began one Friday after leaving work. She remembered that she forgot a piece of carrot birthday cake on her desk and decided to go in to work the next morning on a Saturday to throw it away so it wouldn’t spoil over the weekend. What she witnessed when she got into the office, unexpectedly, on that morning is remarkable. “I thought I was still sleeping and dreaming, I got to my desk and saw these tiny people whisking around the cake like ants around a morsel of food. They had formed a line like ants do, but instead of all on the ground, the line was like an invisible escalator up to a small hole in the ceiling tile.”

The office worker couldn’t believe her eyes! But woe, no sooner had she discovered this new species then they disappeared from sight. Upon realizing their discovery, the line of mini-people, in Marcella’s words, “Got sucked up into the ceiling!”

She described them as having tiny bug-like bodies with human heads, kind of like, “Termites with people’s heads,” she declared to this reporter. “I could hear them talking among themselves before I scared them. I heard one of them say that they’d had better carrot cake.”

Wary of their predicament, the mini-people didn’t reveal themselves to Marcella until she outwitted them weeks later. Having decided she was not seeing things that fateful Saturday, the pencil pusher set a trap before she left work. None of her co-workers knew of her plan. Of course, she was embarrassed to tell them.

But she was right! The Man-O-Mites took her bait. Marcella left a small bag of fries on her desk at the end of a long work day. But she didn’t go home. Instead, she snuck around the corner and waited. The wait wasn’t long.

Momentarily, having thought the coast was clear, the Man-o-Mites dropped in. This time they were friendlier. She spoke with them briefly and they told her they lived in the crawl space above her desk. Unfortunately, just as she was becoming acquainted with them, a brazen cleaning lady burst into the office and they were frightened back to their hovel.

Marcella swears she will contact them again and communicate to them that we only want to learn of the ways of their existence, “They are my new friends now, I will do what I can to help and protect them, but first I have to finish this report.”

We will keep you apprised of further developments in this exclusive story.

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